Financial Literacy

Knowledge Is Wealth

Increasing Financial Understanding One Dollar at a Time

Grow a Future partners with local financial institutions and volunteers to provide financial literacy training for the local community, especially the parents of the children registered for the reading program.


Helping Prepare for Life  

A survey by Project Literacy revealed that 40% of adults have a hard time reading a newspaper, filling out a work application form or understanding a lease; 49% struggle to calculate a tip, create a budget, calculate sales tax, or understand credit card interest rates.

Unemployment rates for youth ages 16-24 are double the national average. One unemployed 18-24-year-old costs federal and state governments more than $4,100 a year in forgone tax revenue and benefits received. For the first time ever, young adults risk having lower educational attainment rates than their parents.

Statistics also indicate that there is a relationship between family income and reading achievement (the lower the income, the higher the percentage of failure). Our goal, by providing reading and financial literacy, is to help break the cycle of poverty that often traps families for generations.

As with each generation, today's youth have dreams and aspirations about what their future life will look like. We MUST provide them with the opportunities they need to reach their fullest potential.

The benefits of developing financial literacy is not only for these young people as individuals. The success, or failure, for young people as they move into their future impacts the entire community.

We need to work together to provide solid hope for our youth - for their and our future.

Utilizing Financial Advisors

Financial understanding is a critical part of preparing young people for adulthood. And the best way to do this is by exposing them to people who have succeeded and who can be positive examples motivating youth to learn and apply sound financial principles.

By utilizing professional volunteers to teach financial literacy lessons, students in the Grow A Future program will be introduced to financial concepts such as budgeting, understanding assets & liabilities, interest rates, compound interest, investing, savings, the value of homeownership and many other concepts that lead to economic sustainability.

Topics Will Include:

  • Credit Building
  • Budgeting
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Real Estate (Home Buying)
  • Taxes
  • Banking Services

Your Future Begins Here!

Find out more about how you can get involved with Grow a Future! Become a volunteer, mentor or provide a scholarship for a young person in the program!


A Trusted Resource for Your Local Community

Contact Us

Phone: (888) 744-7557

Mailing Address:

434 Graves Mill Road
Bldg 100, Suite 3
Lynchburg, VA 24502

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